材料 :-
150g班戟粉( 美式鬆餅粉, 西式煎餅粉, 鬆餅粉)
5g 泡打粉(發粉, 發酵粉)
100g 酸奶 (優格,酸乳酪)
25g 細砂糖
準備用具: -
150g Pancake flour
5g Baking Powder
1 Tbsp Vegetable Oil
100g Plain Yogurt
25g Fine Sugar
2 Eggs
1 Tbsp Coco Powder
2 Small Size Piping Bags
White Food Colouring
Dark Brown Food Colouring or Coco Powder
Paper Cake Cups
- 蛋加糖打散
- 再加油和酸奶打一分鐘
- 將粉和泡打粉篩入蛋漿
- 攪拌均勻至無粉粒
- 留—湯匙粉漿做奶白色粉漿
- 將可可粉篩入蛋漿
- 攪拌均匀
- 留—湯匙粉漿做深棕色粉漿
- 奶白色粉漿: 加半湯匙麵粉和幾滴白色色素攪拌均匀
- 把擠花袋放杯中再把粉漿放入
- 深棕色粉漿 : 半湯匙可可粉篩入棕色粉漿攪拌均匀
- 把擠花袋放杯中再把粉漿放入
- 把粉漿倒入紙蛋糕杯中
- 擠花袋尖端剪掉1亳米
- 振蛋糕杯幾下把氣泡振出
- 開始繪劃咖啡拉花了!
- 預備蒸鍋, 把水煮滾
*小貼士: 用布包住鍋蓋可以妨止水蒸氣滴入蛋糕
- 把粉漿倒入紙蛋糕杯中
- 用中小火蒸15 分鐘
- Add sugar to the eggs and stir
- Add oil and yogurt and stir for 1 min
- Stir and mix the batter well
- Keep 1 tbsp of batter for milk colour batter
- Sift coco powder into the egg batter and stir well
- Keep 1 tbsp of batter for dark brown batter
- Milk Colour Batter : Add 1/2 tbsp cake flour and few drops of white coloring and stir well
- Place the piping bag inside the cup and put the batter into the piping bag
- Dark Brown Batter : Add Sift 1/2 tbsp coco powder into the brown egg batter and stir well
- Place the piping bag inside the cup and put the batter into the piping bag
- Pour batter into the paper cake cups
- Snip 1 mm off the pointed tip of the piping bag
- Drop the cake cup repeatedly to release air bubbles
- Start to trace the coffee art patterns !
- Prepare the steam pan and boil the water
Tips : Wrap the cover with a clean cloth to prevent water from dropping onto the cake
- Pour batter into the cake moulds
看起来很像咖啡拉花! Really look like the coffee art !
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