Friday, 18 August 2017

港式蒸馬拉糕 How to Make Cantonese Sponge Cake

港式蒸馬拉糕- 簡單做法 How to Make Cantonese Sponge Cake - Easy Recipe

馬拉糕是我每次到茶樓必點的點心 ! 竹蒸籠蒸這個蛋糕會比較鬆軟和有傳統的風味!
 It is a must to order the Cantonese sponge cake when I go to eat dim sum in Chinese restaurant ! 
To use bamboo steamer to steam the Cantonese sponge cake gives a traditional favour and makes
the cake softer and fluffier ! 


 YouTube Video視頻


[美味生活] How Living  - Lazy Mom and Busy Dad美味名人食譜 :  
咖啡拉花杯子蛋糕 Steam Cake Coffee Art


100g 低筋面粉
85g 細砂糖 (或蔗糖)
130ml 花奶 (淡奶)
10g 吉士粉
25g 粟粉
4g 蘇打粉
6g泡打粉 (發粉)
20ml 植物油 


2 Eggs
100g Cake Flour
85g Caster Sugar (or Brown Sugar)
130ml Evaporated Milk
10g Custard Powder
25g Corn Flour
4g Bicarbonate Soda
6g Baking Powder
20 ml Vegetable Oil 


* You can reduce the amount of sugar if you prefer less sweet


1.  準備竹蒸籠 (两個6吋蒸籠)
2.  放上烘焙紙

3.  把所有粉類混合後過篩

4.  把蛋打發至起泡沫

5.  慢慢加入糖
6.  把蛋打至濃稠

7.  慢慢加入花奶

8.  將粉類拌入蛋糊中輕輕拌勻

9.  把一些蛋糊加入油中拌勻
10.  再把油倒入蛋糊中混合均勻

11.  將蛋糊倒入預備好的蒸籠裡

12.  静待30 分鐘

13.  預備蒸鍋, 把水煮滾
14.  用大火蒸25分鐘
      *如果用大一點的蒸籠, 要蒸至少30分鐘

15.  完成了!!

16.  待放凉後才切
17.  吃的時候翻熱會更鬆軟

[美味生活] How Living – Lazy Mom and Busy Dad  美味名人食譜  :


1.  Prepare  bamboo steamer (Two 6 inches steamers)
     *Can use other type of cake tin
2.  Put the baking paper on top of the steamer
3.  Mix and sift all the dry ingredients
4.  Beat eggs until foamy
5.  Gradually add in sugar
6.  Beat the eggs until pale and thick
7.  Add the evaporated milk slowly
8.  Mix in the dry ingredients into the egg mixture and gently fold until combined
9.  Put some egg batter into the oil and stir
10.  Pour the oil into the batter and mix well
11.  Pour the batter into the prepared bamboo steamer
12.  Rest for 30 mins
13.  Prepare the steam pan and boil the water
       * To prepare sufficient water for boiling as steaming time is long
14.  Use high heat to steam for 25 mins
       * Steam for at least 30 mins if using bigger bamboo steamer
15.  It's Done !!
16.  Cut after it cooled down
17.  It will soft and fluffy after reheat it

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