Friday 8 May 2020

免揉巧巴達拖鞋麵包 How to Make No Knead Ciabatta Bread - Easy Recipe

簡單做法 (免揉, 免機打, 外脆內軟)
喜歡做這個有趣 的拖鞋麵包, 不用開機打麵團,

也不用揉麵團。外層鬆脆, 內裏非常鬆軟 ,而且非常健康, 沒有加糖, 加了橄欖油。油醋,沙拉,熱湯或是咖哩, 都是非常好的配搭。 

詳細做法影片YouTube Video:

材料 :-

190g (30°C)

橄欖油 25g
快速烤母 2g 

Ingredients :

Bread Flour 250g
Water 190g (30°C)
Olive Oil 25g
Salt 5g
Instant Yeast 2g


1.  水加入酵母拌勻
        Add the yeast into the warm water and stir

2.     加入橄欖油,麵粉和鹽拌勻
        Add olive oil , flour and salt and mix well



3.  蓋上
       Cover the lid


4.   第一次發酵30分鐘 (視乎天氣溫度 ,可加長至40分鐘)
       First proofing for 30 mins(depends on the weather , can be increased to 40mins)

**如天氣比較冷, 可以把麵糰放入微波爐, 另外再加一杯熱水保溫
    If weather is cold, place the dough inside the mirowave  oven and put a cup of hot water next to it

5.  手濕點水, 麵團才不會黏手
     Wet your hands with water so the dough will not stick to your hands


6.  提起麵糰並接疊, 重複四邊
     Stretch and fold the dough out from the 4 edges


7.  第二次發酵30分鐘
       Second proofing for 30 mins

8.  重複拉伸摺疊
       Repeat the stretch and fold process


9.  第三次發酵30分鐘
       Third proofing for 30 mins

10.  在枱面灑和麵團上麵粉       Sprinkle with flour on the table and the dough


11.  將盒子反轉倒出麵團
         Turn the container upside down and let the dough slide down


12.  在麵團麵粉
       Sprinkle with flour on the dough

13.  輕輕把麵團鋪平
         Gently flatten the dough

14.  把麵團分割成三等份
       Cut the dough into three portions

15.  再輕輕把麵團整理
      Gently put the dough in shape

16.  蓋上毛巾或保鮮膜
       Cover with clothe or cling wrap


      Final proofing for 45 mins
18.  預熱焗爐至220°C,  220°C 20 - 25 分鐘烘焙的時間和度數視乎不同牌子和類型的烤爐

Pre-heat the oven to 220°C. Bake at 220°C for 20 - 25 mins
Baking time and degree may vary from the brand and type of your oven
19.  外層鬆脆
       Crusty and crispy outside
20.  內裏非常鬆軟
       So soft and cotton like inside


請訂閱[懶媽媽開飯啦!的頻道 , Please subscribe [Lazy Mom Cookbook] channel :- 










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