Monday, 31 December 2018

芒果糯米糍 How to Make Mango Mochi

芒果糯米糍 -簡單做法
How to Make Mango Mochi - Easy Recipe

懶媽媽為新傳媒劇集'带你去走走'準備糯米糍的粉糰,讓女主角來拍攝包出 '創意湯圓 - 五彩糯米糍'!  
不只女主角,連工作人員也跟懶媽媽學習包糯米糍起來, 大家都學得很開心呀! (在第三十九集裡播出。來讓我和大家分享糯米糍的做法,你也來試做吧!  

Lazy Mom prepared the mochi doughs for the heroine to shoot the wrapping of " Creative Colourful Mochi"
in the 39th episode of Chinese drama 'Jalan Jalan' produced by the Mediacorp. Not only the heroine, the crew had learnt from Lazy Mom how to wrap the mochi. Everyone were enjoying ! Let me share with you the how to make the mochi.  You can also try it out!




示範影片 Youtube Video

( Highlights of drama 'Jalan Jalan'  can be found at the end of the video)
材料 (8個份量):
牛油 (黃油)15g

Ingredients (8 pieces) : 


Glutinous Rice Flour 120g

Milk 110g

Coconut Milk 110g
Corn Flour 25g
Icing Sugar 55g
Butter 15g
Mango (moderate)
Shredded Coconut or Cooked Glutinous Rice Flour (moderate) 
1.  溶化牛油
2.  準備蒸盤 (瓷碟也可)
3.  糯米粉, 糖粉和玉米粉拌匀
4.  加入牛奶漿
5.  攪拌至無粉粒
6.  加入牛油攪拌均勻
7.  保留剩餘的牛油備用
8. 預備蒸鍋, 把水煮滾
9.  在蒸盤上塗
10. 把粉糊倒入蒸盤

11.  大火蒸10 - 12 分鐘


12.  可用竹籤測試粉糰,沒有粉黏着竹籤粉糰便已熟

13.  趁熱用筷子或刮刀攪拌粉糰
14.  蓋上保鮮紙放凉
15. 芒果切粒
16.  取出大約50g的粉糰
17.  把粉糰揉至光滑及煙韌
18.  揉平粉糰


19.  放入芒果粒 
20.  再包成球狀

21.  放在椰蓉裡翻滚, 不喜歡椰蓉或用熟糯米粉(糕粉)
22.  放在紙蛋糕杯


Method : 


 1. Prepare the steam  plate (Can use porcelain plate)
 2. Mix the glutinous rice flour, icing sugar and corn flour 
 3. Add milk and coconut milk
 4. Stir well till no lump remains 
 5. Add butter and mix well
 6. Keep the remaining butter for later use
 7. Prepare the steamer and boil the water
 8. Grease the steam plate with butter
 9. Pour the batter into the steam plate
 10. Use high heat to steam for 10 - 12 mins
 11. Use the skewer to test the dough , the dough is fully cooked if there is no batter sticks on the skewer 
 12. Use chopsticks or scraper to stir the dough while it is hot
 13. Cover with plastic wrap and let it cool down
 14. Cut and dice the mango
 15. Take out about 50g dough
 16. Knead the dough until it's smooth and chewy
 17. Flatten the dough
 18. Put in the mango dice
 19. Wrap and knead it into a round ball
 20.  Roll around on the shredded coconut , or use cooked glutinous rice flour
 21. Put it on the cupcake liner 
It’s done
請訂閱[懶媽媽開飯啦!的頻道 , Please subscribe [Lazy Mom Cookbook] channel :- 


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