Tuesday, 24 July 2018

紅蘿蔔海綿蛋糕 How to Make Carrot Sponge Cake

紅蘿蔔(胡蘿蔔)海綿蛋糕  How to Make Carrot Sponge Cake - Easy Recipe
加入紅蘿蔔來做蛋糕更健康也十分美味,不油不膩 ,孩子們一定會喜歡。 我也很喜歡用這個紅蘿蔔海綿蛋糕做生日蛋糕的蛋糕底。 你也來試做吧!
Adding carrot as the ingredient to bake cake is healthier and also delicious. It is not so oily and greasy. Children will love it. I also like to use this carrot sponge cake as the birthday cake base. You can try it too!



詳細做法影片 YouTube Video:-   



材料 :-

90g 細砂糖150g低筋面粉
一茶匙泡打粉(發粉, 發酵粉)
1g 肉桂粉
35g 菜油
130g 紅蘿蔔(胡蘿蔔)
25g 葡萄乾


3 Eggs
90g Sugar
150g Cake Flour
1 Tsp Baking Powder
1g Cinnamon Powder
35g Vegetable Oil
130g Carrot
25g Raisin



1. 蛋糕摸放入烤盤紙


2. 紅蘿蔔清洗後刨碎

3. 紅蘿蔔絲用厨房紙吸去多餘水分
4. 把低筋面粉, 泡打粉, 和肉桂粉混合後過篩

5. 蛋加糖打發至濃稠


6. 慢慢加入油


7. 預熱焗爐180°C
8. 將粉逐漸加入麵糊中拌勻

9. 加入紅蘿蔔絲拌勻

10. 加入葡萄乾拌勻

11. 將麵糊倒入蛋糕摸


12. 在麵糊面撒一些葡萄乾


13. 用180°C 焗 45 - 50 分鐘
     * 烘焙的時間和度數視乎不同牌子和類型的烤爐
14. 完成了!!



Use 6 inches cake tin

1. Line the cake tin with baking paper
2. Wash and grate the carrot
3. Use the paper towels to remove extra water of the grated carrot
4. Mix and sift the cake flour, baking powder and cinnamon powder
5. Add sugar to eggs and whisk until pale and thick
6. Add oil slowly
7. Preheat oven to 180°C
8. Gradually add the flour into the egg mixture and fold until combined
9. Add and mix the grated carrot
10. Add and mix the raisins
11. Pour the mixture into the cake tin
12. Sprinkle some raisins on top
13. Bake at 180°C for 45 - 50 mins
    *Baking time and degree may vary from the brand and type of your oven
14. It's Done !!

請訂閱[懶媽媽開飯啦!的頻道 , Please subscribe [Lazy Mom Cookbook] channel :-